IV Therapy Research

IV therapy has been utilized for over 60 years to improve overall health and wellness while lowering the risk of serious medical conditions. By enhancing a patient’s nutritional status and strengthening the immune system, this innovative approach offers a natural alternative to traditional drug treatments. The concept originated decades ago, pioneered by physicians seeking effective solutions with fewer side effects.
In the 1960s, Dr. John Myers of Johns Hopkins Medical Center developed an intravenous (IV) solution that could stop life-threatening asthma attacks without relying on drugs. By utilizing safe, natural substances—including select vitamins, minerals, and amino acids—delivered directly into the bloodstream, he achieved remarkable success. Today, modern versions of Dr. Myers’ groundbreaking approach address a wide range of health concerns.
Another visionary in this field, Dr. Hugh Riordan, extensively explored the benefits of high-dose vitamin C administered intravenously. Over the course of performing approximately 70,000 infusions, Dr. Riordan discovered that at high doses, vitamin C acts as a powerful antibiotic, antiviral, and antioxidant. At even higher doses, it takes on pro-oxidant properties, further enhancing its therapeutic potential.
Today, patients with various medical conditions seek treatments to dramatically improve their nutritional balance and immune system health. Over the years have seen the power of IV Therapy as a natural support for improved wellness and resilience.